If you experience persistent muscle pain, you are not alone. For many individuals, muscle pain may persist for a long period of time even after recovery from injury, strain, or postural misuse. The explanation is that the persistent muscle pain is caused by tender trigger points (TP), which are areas of muscle tension caused by pain from the spine and connected tissues.
Perpetual muscle pain is a sign of poor fitness and lack of well-being. Toxins may have accumulated in a certain area, where persistent muscle pain occurs. Due to poor circulation in that area, more muscle spasm occurs, leading to more pain, and more toxin accumulation, and hence a vicious cycle of unending pain and muscle spasm.
Let’s be realistic: as you get older, you become less active and naturally exercise even less; as a result, you are most likely to experience muscle pain. Use it or lose it -- that's how you lose your muscle flexibility and get your muscle pain.
Don’t readily reach out for a painkiller to stop your muscle pain; it won’t work. As a matter of fact, all painkillers despite their advertising hypes only aggravate your muscle pain conditions because they are toxic chemicals that do more harm than good over the long haul.
The benefits of flexibility stretching are overwhelming in terms of health and wellness:
Flexibility plays a critical role in physical movement and physical performance of an individual.
Firstly, it improves neuromuscular coordination by shortening the time of transmission of brain-to-muscle messages. Secondly, with flexibility, there is less tissue resistance, and hence less energy to complete the range of movement (ROM).
Flexibility stretching can avoid accidents, falls, and injuries. With less muscular and tissue resistance, and improved body balance, there is a reduced chance of falling or getting injuries during movements, and thus avoiding muscle pain.
Flexibility exercises improve resting muscle tension to provide better awareness and postural balance—an essential component of correct breathing. How to breathe right is critical to avoiding muscle pain.
Flexibility fitness enhances the quality of the protective lubricant for joint movement. Better range of movement (ROM) provides more blood supply and nutrients to the lubricant, the decline of which leads to degeneration of joint structures and hence arthritic conditions.
Flexibility stretching increases lumbar and pelvic movements through elongating the hamstrings, hip flexors, and lumbar muscles. The elongation can alleviate lower back pain, as well as other muscle pain.
Flexibility stretching is a great asset to holistic health and fitness. The amount of flexibility required depends on the activity level of an individual. However, excessive range of movement (ROM) without adequate muscle strength may be detrimental in that it increases the effect of degenerative disease and reduces the protective reflexes designed to avoid excessive movement.
Life is too short to be struggling with muscle pain every day. Do something about it. In addition, your life will improve dramatically when you banish the tension, stress, and sleeplessness that drain your energy due to the attack of muscle pain. Flexibility exercise, as opposed to other vigorous exercises such as jogging and weightlifting, which, if not properly executed, may cause more muscle pain.
Yoga is one of the best flexibility exercises not only for pain relief but also for weight loss. It is a myth that you have to do vigorous, grueling exercise to burn calories. The truth of the matter is that you can burn just as many calories (and even more fat) by doing yoga alone. When you do a series of yoga moves together, your body gets a great workout without wreaking havoc with your joints or leaving you out of breath. And you can burn just as many calories as jogging!
Shapeshifter Yoga: Get this most comprehensive video yoga program to relieve muscle pain as well as to lose weight permanently.
Pilates exercise is another flexibility that can help muscle pain relief. Pilates for Back and Joint Pain: Use pilates exercise to strengthen muscles to avoid back and joint pain.
1. Learn to use massage to stimulate blood circulation as well as to relax muscle stiffness.
2. Aromatherapy uses soothing essential oils to promote well-being and muscle relaxation.
4. Eat a diet rich in calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which benefit natural sleep and help eliminating fatigue.
5. Detoxify your body on a regular basis to rid your body of accumulated toxins.
6. Watch this video to get rid of your back pain.
Stephen Lau
Copyright © Stephen Lau
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